
1. the work of a sailor (Freq. 2)
Syn: ↑seafaring, ↑navigation
Derivationally related forms: ↑navigational (for: ↑navigation)
Members of this Topic:
close-hauled, ↑fore, ↑aweigh, ↑atrip, ↑rigged, ↑unrigged, ↑fore-and-aft, ↑close to the wind, ↑leg, ↑tack, ↑tacking, ↑accommodation ladder, ↑becket, ↑bilge well, ↑bitter end, ↑chip, ↑deadeye, ↑escutcheon, ↑Jacob's ladder, ↑jack ladder, ↑pilot ladder, ↑lanyard, ↑laniard, ↑lead line, ↑sounding line, ↑luff, ↑overhead, ↑ratline, ↑ratlin, ↑rudder, ↑sea ladder, ↑sea steps, ↑sheet, ↑mainsheet, ↑weather sheet, ↑shroud, ↑spun yarn, ↑stay, ↑sternpost, ↑stokehold, ↑stokehole, ↑fireroom, ↑towline, ↑towrope, ↑towing line, ↑towing rope, ↑capsizing, ↑beam-ends, ↑bell, ↑ship's bell, ↑steerageway, ↑stand out, ↑starboard
Hypernyms: ↑employment, ↑work
Hyponyms: ↑cabotage
Part Meronyms: ↑steering, ↑steerage
2. riding in a sailboat (Freq. 1)
Derivationally related forms: ↑sail
Members of this Topic: ↑spill
Hypernyms: ↑water travel, ↑seafaring
Hyponyms: ↑luff, ↑beat, ↑tack
3. the departure of a vessel from a port (Freq. 1)
Hypernyms: ↑departure, ↑going, ↑going away, ↑leaving
4. the activity of flying a glider
Syn: ↑glide, ↑gliding, ↑sailplaning, ↑soaring
Derivationally related forms: ↑soar (for: ↑soaring), ↑sailplane (for: ↑sailplaning), ↑glide (for: ↑gliding), ↑glide (for: ↑glide)
Hypernyms: ↑flight, ↑flying
Hyponyms: ↑hang gliding, ↑parasailing, ↑paragliding

Useful english dictionary. 2012.