
bar line
a vertical line before the accented beat marking the boundary between musical bars
Hypernyms: ↑line, ↑musical notation
Hyponyms: ↑double bar

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Etymology: bar (I)
: bar 6a

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bar1 (def. 16a).

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bar line noun (music)
A vertical line across the staff between each bar
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Main Entry:bar

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bar line UK US noun [countable] [singular bar line plural bar lines] music
in printed music, an upright line that separates the bars of a piece of music
Thesaurus: instructions and annotations in musichyponym

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n. Music a vertical line used in a musical score to mark a division between bars

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ˈbar line 7 [bar line] noun (music)
a vertical line used in written music to mark a division between ↑bars

Useful english dictionary. 2012.