
sand eel
very small silvery eellike schooling fishes that burrow into sandy beaches
Syn: ↑sand lance, ↑sand launce, ↑launce
Hypernyms: ↑spiny-finned fish, ↑acanthopterygian
Member Holonyms: ↑Ammodytes, ↑genus Ammodytes

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1. : sand launce
2. : a slender soft-finned fish (Gonorhynchus gonorhynchus or G. grayi) of the Indo-Pacific having small spiny scales, a single barbel in the produced snout, and the eyes beneath the skin

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1. See sand lance.
2. New Zealand. sandfish (def. 2).
[1275-1325; ME sandel; see SAND, EEL]

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sand eel or sand lance noun
The launce
• • •
Main Entry:sand

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sand eel,
= sand launce. (Cf.sand launce)

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n. a small elongated marine fish that lives in shallow waters of the northern hemisphere, often found burrowing in the sand. Family Ammodytidae: several genera and species, including the European Ammodytes tobianus

Useful english dictionary. 2012.