
flesh flies
Syn: ↑genus Sarcophaga
Hypernyms: ↑arthropod genus
Member Holonyms: ↑Calliphoridae, ↑family Calliphoridae
Member Meronyms: ↑flesh fly, ↑Sarcophaga carnaria

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I. \\särˈkäfəgə\ noun plural
Usage: capitalized
Etymology: New Latin, from sarc- + -phaga
in former classifications : an artificial division of marsupials comprising the Didelphidae and Dasyuridae
II. noun
Usage: capitalized
Etymology: New Latin, from feminine of Latin sarcophagus flesh-eating, from Greek sarkophagos
: the type genus of Sarcophagidae comprising tyical flesh flies

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Sarcophaga /sär-kofˈə-gə/
A genus of flies whose larvae feed on flesh
ORIGIN: Gr sarkophagos flesh-eating, from sarx, sarkos flesh, and phagein (aorist) to eat
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sarcophˈagal adjective
1. Flesh-eating
2. Of or relating to sarcophagi
sarcophˈagous adjective
Feeding on flesh
sarcophˈagus noun (pl sarcophˈagi /-jī or -gī/ or sarcophˈaguses)
1. A limestone used by the Greeks for coffins, thought to consume the flesh of corpses
2. A stone coffin, esp one with carvings
3. A tomb or cenotaph of similar form

Useful english dictionary. 2012.