
abbr. (in the UK) Special Air Service.

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a specialist regiment of the British army that is trained in commando techniques of warfare and used in clandestine operations (especially against terrorist groups)
Syn: ↑Special Air Service
Regions: ↑United Kingdom, ↑UK, ↑U.K., ↑Britain, ↑United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, ↑Great Britain
Hypernyms: ↑commando

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sodium aluminum sulfate in the anhydrous form

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Special Air Service

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Special Air Services (a special strike force and peacekeeping unit of the British Army).

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abbr. Brit. Special Air Service

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/ˌɛsˌeıˈɛs/ noun
the SAS
: a part of the British military that consists of soldiers who are specially trained for difficult and secret duties — called also the Special Air Service — compare special forces

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SAS [SAS] [ˌes eɪ ˈes] [ˌes eɪ ˈes] abbreviation
Special Air Service (a group of highly trained soldiers in Britain who are used on very secret or difficult military operations)
Members of the SAS are trained in skills such as parachuting, climbing and shooting accurately. They are well known for their ability to surprise groups of terrorists by attacking them very quickly.

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var. sass n.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.