
scoop up
take out or up with or as if with a scoop (Freq. 3)

scoop the sugar out of the container

Syn: ↑scoop, ↑scoop out, ↑lift out, ↑take up
Derivationally related forms: ↑scoop (for: ↑scoop)
Hypernyms: ↑remove, ↑take, ↑take away, ↑withdraw
Hyponyms: ↑dip
Verb Frames:

Somebody ——s something


Something ——s something

* * *

scoop up [phrasal verb]
scoop up (something) or scoop (something) up informal : to take or buy (something) in a quick and eager way

Customers scooped up [=scarfed up] the free samples.

— see also scoop 1b (above), 2
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Main Entry:scoop

Useful english dictionary. 2012.