
scrub pine
common small shrubby pine of the eastern United States having straggling often twisted or branches and short needles in bunches of 2
Syn: ↑Virginia pine, ↑Jersey pine, ↑Pinus virginiana
Hypernyms: ↑pine, ↑pine tree, ↑true pine

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1. : a pine of dwarf, straggly, or scrubby growth usually by reason of environmental conditions : a pine tree unsuitable for lumber by reason of inferior or defective growth

much eastern scrub pine is Jersey pine while in some western areas it is lodgepole pine

2. : black cypress pine

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any of several pines, as the jack pine, characterized by a scrubby or irregular manner of growth, usually found in dry, sandy soil.
[1785-95, Amer.]

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scrub pine,
any one of various low pines that commonly grow in poor or sandy soil, especially: a) a pine found from New York to Georgia, usually small and straggly but reaching a height of 100 feet in the western part of its range. b) the Pacific coast variety of the lodgepole pine.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.