
Sealyham terrier
a wire-haired terrier with short legs that was first bred in Sealyham
Syn: ↑Sealyham
Regions: ↑Wales, ↑Cymru, ↑Cambria
Hypernyms: ↑Welsh terrier

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\\ˈsēlēˌham-, -lēəm-\ noun
Etymology: from Sealyham, Pembrokeshire, Wales, where it was developed
1. usually capitalized S&T : a Welsh breed of long-headed heavy-boned chiefly white terriers with short legs, strong jaws, and long supple body that give it an advantage in tackling the badger underground though it is also used in bolting the fox and the otter
2. or sealyham -s usually capitalized S : a dog of the Sealyham Terrier breed

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/see"lee ham', -lee euhm/
one of a Welsh breed of small terriers having short legs, a docked tail, and a wiry, mostly white coat.
[1890-95; named after Sealyham, Wales, where it was first bred]

Useful english dictionary. 2012.