
silver pine
1. timber tree of New Zealand having shiny white wood
Syn: ↑westland pine, ↑Lagarostrobus colensoi
Hypernyms: ↑conifer, ↑coniferous tree
2. tall pine of western North America with stout blue-green needles; bark is grey-brown with rectangular plates when mature
Syn: ↑western white pine, ↑mountain pine, ↑Pinus monticola
Hypernyms: ↑white pine

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Etymology: silver (II)
1. : western white pine 1
2. : ponderosa pine 1
3. : balsam fir 1
4. : any of several evergreen timber trees of the genus Dacrydium (especially D. colensoi) having shiny white wood

Useful english dictionary. 2012.