
n. & v.
—n. (pl. baths)
1 a (in full bath-tub) a container for liquid, usu. water, used for immersing and washing the body. b this with its contents (your bath is ready).
2 the act or process of immersing the body for washing or therapy (have a bath; take a bath).
3 a a vessel containing liquid in which something is immersed, e.g. a film for developing, for controlling temperature, etc. b this with its contents.
4 (usu. in pl.) a building with baths or a swimming pool, usu. open to the public.
—v. Brit.
1 tr. wash (esp. a person) in a bath.
2 intr. take a bath.
Phrases and idioms:
bath cube a cube of compacted bath salts. bath salts soluble salts used for softening or scenting bath-water.
Etymology: OE baeligth f. Gmc

Useful english dictionary. 2012.