
soft drug
a drug of abuse that is considered relatively mild and not likely to cause addiction
Ant: ↑hard drug
Hypernyms: ↑drug of abuse, ↑street drug, ↑narcotic
bhang, ↑cannabis, ↑marijuana, ↑marihuana, ↑ganja, ↑hashish, ↑hasheesh, ↑haschisch, ↑hash

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a drug, usually illicit, that does not produce significant psychological or physical dependence.

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soft drug UK US noun [countable] [singular soft drug plural soft drugs]
an illegal drug such as cannabis that is less harmful than a hard drug such as heroin
Thesaurus: illegal drugs and drugs sometimes taken illegallyhyponym

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soft drug,
any drug that is not considered physically addictive, such as marijuana, mescaline, and various amphetamines: »

Although there was no doubt about the deleterious effects of hard drugs (heroin, morphine, etc.), there was much debate concerning the harmful effects of the soft drugs, such as marijuana (Donn L. Smith).

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ˌsoft ˈdrug [soft drug] noun
an illegal drug, such as ↑cannabis, that some people take for pleasure, that is not considered very harmful or likely to cause ↑addiction
compare hard drug

Useful english dictionary. 2012.