
adj., pron., & adv.
1 an unspecified amount or number of (some water; some apples; some of them).
2 that is unknown or unnamed (will return some day; some fool has locked the door; to some extent).
3 denoting an approximate number (waited some twenty minutes).
4 a considerable amount or number of (went to some trouble).
5 (usu. stressed) a at least a small amount of (do have some consideration). b such to a certain extent (that is some help). c colloq. notably such (I call that some story).
—pron. some people or things, some number or amount (I have some already; would you like some more?).
—adv. colloq. to some extent (we talked some; do it some more).
Phrases and idioms:
and then some sl. and plenty more than that. some few see FEW.
Etymology: OE sum f. Gmc

Useful english dictionary. 2012.