
squash bug
large black American bug that sucks sap of vines of the gourd family
Syn: ↑Anasa tristis
Hypernyms: ↑coreid bug, ↑coreid
Member Holonyms: ↑Anasa, ↑genus Anasa

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: a brownish black American insect (Anasa tristis) of the family Coreidae that is injurious to squash vines

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a dark-brown bug, Anasa tristis, that sucks the sap from the leaves of squash, pumpkin, and other plants of the gourd family.
[1840-50, Amer.]

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squash bug noun
An insect that is a pest of squashes
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Main Entry:squash

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squash bug,
a large, foul-smelling, dark-colored hemipterous insect of North America, injurious to squash vines and certain other plants.

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n. a dark-colored bug with forewings marked by many veins. Family Coreidae, suborder Heteroptera: many species, in particular the North American Anasa tristis, a serious pest of squashes and similar fruit

Useful english dictionary. 2012.