
state of affairs
the general state of things; the combination of circumstances at a given time (Freq. 1)

the present international situation is dangerous


wondered how such a state of affairs had come about


"eternal truths will be neither true nor eternal unless they have fresh meaning for every new social situation"- Franklin D.Roosevelt

Syn: ↑situation
Hypernyms: ↑state
absurd, ↑the absurd, ↑acceptance, ↑ballgame, ↑new ballgame, ↑challenge, ↑childlessness, ↑complication, ↑crowding, ↑disequilibrium, ↑element, ↑environment, ↑equilibrium, ↑exclusion, ↑goldfish bowl, ↑fish bowl, ↑fishbowl, ↑hotbed, ↑inclusion, ↑intestacy, ↑picture, ↑scene, ↑prison, ↑prison house, ↑rejection, ↑size, ↑size of it, ↑square one, ↑status quo, ↑thing

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state of affairs or state of events noun
A situation, set of circumstances
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Main Entry:state

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state of affairs UK US noun [singular]
the situation that a person, place, or process is in at a particular time

It is likely that this is the normal state of affairs.

Thesaurus: general words for situations and circumstancessynonym difficult situations and experiencessynonym

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state of affairs (or things)
a situation or set of circumstances

the survey revealed a sorry state of affairs in schools

Useful english dictionary. 2012.