
adj., n., adv., & v.
1 not or hardly moving.
2 with little or no sound; calm and tranquil (a still evening).
3 (of sounds) hushed, stilled.
4 (of a drink) not effervescing.
1 deep silence (in the still of the night).
2 an ordinary static photograph (as opposed to a motion picture), esp. a single shot from a cinema film.
1 without moving (stand still).
2 even now or at a particular time (they still did not understand; why are you still here?).
3 nevertheless; all the same.
4 (with compar. etc.) even, yet, increasingly (still greater efforts; still another explanation).
—v.tr. & intr. make or become still; quieten.
Phrases and idioms:
still and all colloq. nevertheless. still life (pl. still lifes)
1 a painting or drawing of inanimate objects such as fruit or flowers.
2 this genre of painting. still waters run deep a quiet manner conceals depths of feeling or knowledge or cunning.
stillness n.
Etymology: OE stille (adj. & adv.), stillan (v.), f. WG
n. an apparatus for distilling spirituous liquors etc.
Phrases and idioms:
still-room Brit.
1 a room for distilling.
2 a housekeeper's storeroom in a large house.
Etymology: obs. still (v.), ME f. DISTILL

Useful english dictionary. 2012.