
stone crab
1. pale flesh with delicate texture and flavor; found in Florida but now very rare
Hypernyms: ↑crab, ↑crabmeat
Part Holonyms: ↑Menippe mercenaria
2. large edible crab of the southern coast of the United States (particularly Florida)
Syn: ↑Menippe mercenaria
Hypernyms: ↑crab
Member Holonyms: ↑Menippe, ↑genus Menippe

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1. : a large edible crab (Menippe mercenaria) found on the southern coast of the United States and in the Caribbean area
2. : any of several spiny crabs of the genus Lithodes; especially : a crab (L. maia) of the European coasts

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an edible crab, Menippe mercenaria, of rocky shores from the southern U.S. to Mexico and certain areas of the Caribbean, prized for the meat of its claws.
[1700-10, Amer.]

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stone crab see ↑king crab under ↑king
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Main Entry:stone

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stone crab,
an edible crab of the Atlantic coast of the southern United States.

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n. a large, heavy, edible crab of the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean area. Menippe mercenaria, family Xanthidae

Useful english dictionary. 2012.