
straight man
a performer who acts as stooge to a comedian
Syn: ↑second banana
Hypernyms: ↑performer, ↑performing artist

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: an actor or other entertainer whose main function is to feed lines to a comedian

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an entertainer who plays the part of a foil for a comic partner.

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straight man noun
An actor who acts as stooge to a comedian
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Main Entry:straight

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straight man UK US noun [countable] [singular straight man plural straight men]
an entertainer whose job is to say or do things that allow another entertainer to be funny
Thesaurus: performers and entertainershyponym

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straight man,
a person who serves as a foil for a comedian: »

A BBC comedian asked his straight man to read the day's news (Time).

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n. the person in a comedy duo who speaks lines that give a comedian the opportunity to make jokes

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noun, pl ⋯ men [count]
: a member of a comedy team who says things that allow a partner to make jokes

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ˈstraight man [straight man] noun
a person in a show whose role is to provide the main entertainer with opportunities to make jokes

Useful english dictionary. 2012.