
owls lacking ear tufts
Syn: ↑genus Strix
Hypernyms: ↑bird genus
Member Holonyms: ↑Strigidae, ↑family Strigidae
Member Meronyms:
great grey owl, ↑great gray owl, ↑Strix nebulosa, ↑tawny owl, ↑Strix aluco, ↑barred owl, ↑Strix varia, ↑spotted owl, ↑Strix occidentalis

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I. \\ˈstriks\ noun (-es)
Etymology: Latin strig-, strix furrow, groove, flute; akin to Latin striga furrow — more at strike
: a fluting of a column
II. noun
Usage: capitalized
Etymology: New Latin Strig-, Strix, from Latin, screech owl — more at strident
: a variously restricted genus of owls:
a. in former classifications
(1) : a large genus containing most owls except the barn owls
(2) : a genus comprising the barn owls
b. : the type genus of the family Strigidae comprising owls that lack ear tufts and including the tawny owl and the barred owl

Useful english dictionary. 2012.