
1. a republic in northeastern Africa on the Red Sea; achieved independence from Egypt and the United Kingdom in 1956
Syn: ↑Republic of the Sudan, ↑Soudan
Instance Hypernyms: ↑African country, ↑African nation
Member Holonyms: ↑Arab League
Part Holonyms: ↑Africa
Member Meronyms: ↑Sudanese
Part Meronyms:
Darfur, ↑Kordofan, ↑Khartoum, ↑capital of Sudan, ↑Nyala, ↑Port Sudan, ↑Omdurman, ↑Libyan Desert, ↑Nubian Desert, ↑Nile, ↑Nile River
2. a region of northern Africa to the south of the Sahara and Libyan deserts; extends from the Atlantic to the Red Sea
Syn: ↑Soudan
Members of this Region: ↑Omdurman, ↑battle of Omdurman
Instance Hypernyms: ↑geographical area, ↑geographic area, ↑geographical region, ↑geographic region
Part Holonyms: ↑Africa

Useful english dictionary. 2012.