
surinam cherry
acid red or yellow cherry-like fruit of a tropical American shrub very rich in vitamin C
Syn: ↑acerola, ↑barbados cherry, ↑West Indian cherry
Hypernyms: ↑berry
Part Holonyms: ↑barbados cherry, ↑acerola, ↑Surinam cherry, ↑West Indian cherry, ↑Malpighia glabra

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Usage: usually capitalized S
a. : a Barbados cherry (Malpighia glabra) with rose to purple flowers and deep red fruits
b. : the edible aromatic fruit of this tree
a. : a Brazilian tree (Eugenia uniflora) often cultivated in California and Florida for its spicy red fruit that resembles a cherry
b. : the fruit of this tree

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1. a tropical American tree, Eugenia uniflora, of the myrtle family, having ovate leaves and fragrant, white flowers.
2. the yellow or red cherrylike fruit of this tree. Also called pitanga.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.