
sweet flag
perennial marsh plant having swordlike leaves and aromatic roots
Syn: ↑calamus, ↑sweet calamus, ↑myrtle flag, ↑flagroot, ↑Acorus calamus
Hypernyms: ↑marsh plant, ↑bog plant, ↑swamp plant
Member Holonyms: ↑Acorus, ↑genus Acorus
Substance Meronyms: ↑calamus oil
Part Meronyms: ↑calamus

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: a perennial marsh herb (Acorus calamus) having long leaves and a pungent rootstock — called also calamus

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a plant, Acorus calamus, of the arum family, having long, sword-shaped leaves and a pungent, aromatic rootstock. Also called sweet calamus.

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sweet flag noun
An aromatic araceous pond-plant (Acorus calamus)
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Main Entry:sweet

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sweet flag,
1. a water plant with long, sword-shaped leaves and a thick, creeping rootstock; calamus; sweetroot. It belongs to the arum family.
2. its fragrant root, used in perfumes and medicines and sometimes preserved with sugar and eaten as candy.

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(also sweetflag) n. an Old World waterside plant of the arum family, with leaves that resemble those of the iris. It is used medicinally and as a flavoring. Also called calamus. Acorus calamus, family Araceae

Useful english dictionary. 2012.