
1 a complex whole; a set of connected things or parts; an organized body of material or immaterial things.
2 a set of devices (e.g. pulleys) functioning together.
3 Physiol. a a set of organs in the body with a common structure or function (the digestive system). b the human or animal body as a whole.
4 a method; considered principles of procedure or classification. b classification.
5 orderliness.
6 a a body of theory or practice relating to or prescribing a particular form of government, religion, etc. b (prec. by the) the prevailing political or social order, esp. regarded as oppressive and intransigent.
7 a method of choosing one's procedure in gambling etc.
8 Computing a group of related hardware units or programs or both, esp. when dedicated to a single application.
9 one of seven general types of crystal structure.
10 a major group of geological strata (the Devonian system).
11 Physics a group of associated bodies moving under mutual gravitation etc.
12 Mus. the braced staves of a score.
Phrases and idioms:
get a thing out of one's system colloq. be rid of a preoccupation or anxiety. systems analysis the analysis of a complex process or operation in order to improve its efficiency, esp. by applying a computer system.
systemless adj.
Etymology: F systegraveme or LL systema f. Gk sustema -atos (as SYN-, histemi set up)

Useful english dictionary. 2012.