
take fire
start to burn or burst into flames

Marsh gases ignited suddenly


The oily rags combusted spontaneously

Syn: ↑erupt, ↑ignite, ↑catch fire, ↑combust, ↑conflagrate
Derivationally related forms: ↑combustible (for: ↑combust), ↑combustive (for: ↑combust), ↑ignitible (for: ↑ignite), ↑ignitable (for: ↑ignite), ↑ignition (for: ↑ignite)
Hypernyms: ↑change state, ↑turn
Hyponyms: ↑blow out, ↑catch, ↑light up
Verb Group: ↑burn, ↑combust
Verb Frames:

Something ——s

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: to catch fire

sulfur and quicklime, which took fire when exposed to moisture — Tom Wintringham

small number of students take fire from these courses — New Republic

immense crowds of people took fire and came alive under their leadership — John Reed

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take fire
To become ignited
To become aroused about something

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Brit. start to burn

Useful english dictionary. 2012.