
take off
1. leave (Freq. 15)

The family took off for Florida

depart, ↑part, ↑start, ↑start out, ↑set forth, ↑set off, ↑set out
See Also: ↑part with (for: ↑part)
Derivationally related forms: ↑takeoff, ↑parting (for: ↑part), ↑departure (for: ↑depart), ↑departer (for: ↑depart)
Hypernyms: ↑leave, ↑go forth, ↑go away
Hyponyms: ↑lift off, ↑roar off, ↑blaze, ↑blaze out, ↑sally forth, ↑sally out
Verb Frames:

Something ——s


Somebody ——s


Somebody ——s PP


These cars won't take off


The children take off to the playground

2. take away or remove (Freq. 6)

Take that weight off me!

Hypernyms: ↑remove, ↑take, ↑take away, ↑withdraw
undress, ↑discase, ↑uncase, ↑unclothe, ↑strip, ↑strip down, ↑disrobe, ↑peel, ↑declaw, ↑dehorn
Verb Frames:

Somebody ——s something

3. depart from the ground (Freq. 4)

The plane took off two hours late

Syn: ↑lift off
Derivationally related forms: ↑liftoff (for: ↑lift off), ↑takeoff
depart, ↑part, ↑start, ↑start out, ↑set forth, ↑set off, ↑set out
Verb Frames:

Something ——s


Something is ——ing PP


The airplane is sure to take off

4. take time off from work; stop working temporarily (Freq. 2)
Syn: ↑take time off
Hypernyms: ↑interrupt, ↑disrupt, ↑break up, ↑cut off
Verb Frames:

Somebody ——s


Somebody ——s something

5. mimic or imitate in an amusing or satirical manner (Freq. 1)

This song takes off from a famous aria

Derivationally related forms: ↑takeoff
Hypernyms: ↑imitate, ↑copy, ↑simulate
Verb Frames:

Somebody ——s something


Somebody ——s somebody


Something ——s somebody


Something ——s something

6. remove clothes (Freq. 1)

take off your shirt—it's very hot in here

undress, ↑discase, ↑uncase, ↑unclothe, ↑strip, ↑strip down, ↑disrobe, ↑peel
Hyponyms: ↑peel off, ↑slip off, ↑uncloak, ↑doff
Verb Frames:

Somebody ——s something


They take off the cape

7. get started or set in motion, used figuratively

the project took a long time to get off the ground

Syn: ↑get off the ground
Hypernyms: ↑start, ↑go, ↑get going
Verb Frames:

Something ——s


Somebody ——s

8. prove fatal

The disease took off

Hypernyms: ↑kill
Verb Frames:

Something ——s

9. make a subtraction

subtract this amount from my paycheck

Syn: ↑subtract, ↑deduct
Ant: ↑add (for: ↑subtract)
Derivationally related forms: ↑deduction (for: ↑deduct), ↑subtractive (for: ↑subtract), ↑subtraction (for: ↑subtract)
Topics: ↑arithmetic
calculate, ↑cipher, ↑cypher, ↑compute, ↑work out, ↑reckon, ↑figure
Hyponyms: ↑carry back
Verb Frames:

Somebody ——s


Somebody ——s something

Useful english dictionary. 2012.