
take-home pay
what is left of your pay after deductions for taxes and dues and insurance etc
Hypernyms: ↑wage, ↑pay, ↑earnings, ↑remuneration, ↑salary

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noun also take-home \\ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷-\ (-s)
: the remainder of a person's gross salary or wages after deduction usually at the source of salary payment of such items as income tax withholding, retirement insurance payments, and union dues

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the amount of salary remaining after deductions, as of taxes, have been made.

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take-home pay noun
Pay after deduction of tax, etc
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Main Entry:take

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take-home pay UK US noun [uncountable]
the amount of pay that you receive after taxes and other amounts have been taken away
Thesaurus: relating to tax and taxationhyponym wages and salariessynonym types of tax and taxationhyponym

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take-home pay «TAYK HOHM»,
the wages or salary left after deductions, such as taxes and health insurance, have been made: »

Based on their current take-home pay, some of the workers probably could spend a good deal more than they do (Wall Street Journal).

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n. the pay received by an employee after the deduction of taxes and other obligations

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/ˈteıkˌhoʊm-/ noun [noncount]
: the amount of money that a person earns after taxes and other amounts have been subtracted

She grosses $40,000 a year but her take-home pay is about $25,000.

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ˈtake-home pay [take-home pay] noun uncountable
the amount of money that you earn after you have paid tax, etc.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.