
1. in a confused mass (Freq. 5)

pushed back her tangled hair


the tangled ropes

Ant: ↑untangled
Similar to:
afoul, ↑foul, ↑fouled, ↑enmeshed, ↑intermeshed, ↑entangled, ↑knotty, ↑snarled, ↑snarly, ↑matted, ↑rootbound, ↑thrown, ↑thrown and twisted
2. highly complex or intricate and occasionally devious (Freq. 2)

the Byzantine tax structure


Byzantine methods for holding on to his chairmanship


convoluted legal language


convoluted reasoning


the plot was too involved


a knotty problem


got his way by labyrinthine maneuvering


"Oh, what a tangled web we weave"- Sir Walter Scott


tortuous legal procedures


tortuous negotiations lasting for months

Syn: ↑Byzantine, ↑convoluted, ↑involved, ↑knotty, ↑tortuous
Similar to: ↑complex
Derivationally related forms: ↑tortuousness (for: ↑tortuous), ↑knottiness (for: ↑knotty)

Useful english dictionary. 2012.