
a member of a group of peoples of Mexico
Hypernyms: ↑Indian, ↑American Indian, ↑Red Indian
Hyponyms: ↑Cahita, ↑Tarahumara

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I. \\|tarəkə|hēshən\ adjective
Usage: usually capitalized
Etymology: Tarahumara + Cahita + English -an (adjective suffix)
: of, relating to, or characteristic of the Taracahitian peoples or their languages
II. noun (-s)
Usage: usually capitalized
Etymology: Tarahumara + Cahita + English -an (n. suffix)
a. : a group of peoples of Mexico including the Acaxee, Baciroa, Cahita, Concho, Cora, Opata, and Tarahumara
b. : a member of any of the peoples of the Taracahitian group
2. : a language family comprising the languages of the Taracahitian peoples

Useful english dictionary. 2012.