
Benjamin Disraeli
British statesman who as Prime Minister bought controlling interest in the Suez Canal and made Queen Victoria the empress of India (1804-1881)
Syn: ↑Disraeli, ↑First Earl of Beaconsfield
Instance Hypernyms: ↑statesman, ↑solon, ↑national leader

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Benjamin Disraeli [Benjamin Disraeli]
(1804–81) a British Conservative politician who was twice ↑Prime Minister (1868 and 1874–80). He also wrote a number of popular novels which showed his interest in social change. He became leader of the ↑Conservative Party in 1846 and created its modern central organization. As Prime Minister, he increased Britain’s influence abroad and he bought half of the Suez Canal for Britain. He also introduced improvements in housing for poor people in the cities and increased the number of people who could vote at elections. He became a close friend of Queen ↑Victoria, and she made him an ↑earl (Earl of Beaconsfield) in 1876. There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics. Benjamin Disraeli

Useful english dictionary. 2012.