
Syn: ↑family Timaliidae
Hypernyms: ↑bird family
Member Holonyms: ↑Oscines, ↑suborder Oscines, ↑Passeres, ↑suborder Passeres
Member Meronyms: ↑Timalia, ↑genus Timalia

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\\ˌtiməˈlīəˌdē\ noun plural
Usage: capitalized
Etymology: New Latin, from Timalia, type genus + -idae
: a family of passerine birds comprising usually a variety of forms not all of which may be closely related but having as typical representatives a group of babblers that are commonly isolated in a distinct subfamily and are characterized by short rounded wings with large outer primary, a bill like that of a thrush, and unspotted young

Useful english dictionary. 2012.