
a state of extreme confusion and disorder
Syn: ↑chaos, ↑pandemonium, ↑bedlam, ↑topsy-turvyness
Derivationally related forms: ↑topsy-turvy (for: ↑topsy-turvyness), ↑chaotic (for: ↑chaos)
Hypernyms: ↑confusion
Hyponyms: ↑balagan

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\\-dəm\ noun (-s)
1. : topsy-turviness
2. : a state, existence, or world in which everything is turned topsy-turvy

a quaint glimpse of topsy-turvydom; the laws of gravitation appear to be defied — F.A.A.Talbot

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/top"see terr"vee deuhm/, n.
a state of affairs or a region in which everything is topsy-turvy.
[1875-80; TOPSY-TURVY + -DOM]

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topsy-turˈvydom noun
• • •
Main Entry:topsy-turvy

Useful english dictionary. 2012.