
n. & v.
1 a playing-card of a suit ranking above the others.
2 an advantage esp. involving surprise.
3 colloq. a a helpful or admired person. b Austral. & NZ a person in authority.
1 a tr. defeat (a card or its player) with a trump. b intr. play a trump card when another suit has been led.
2 tr. colloq. gain a surprising advantage over (a person, proposal, etc.).
Phrases and idioms:
trump card
1 a card belonging to, or turned up to determine, a trump suit.
2 colloq. a a valuable resource. b a surprise move to gain an advantage. trump up fabricate or invent (an accusation, excuse, etc.) (on a trumped-up charge). turn up trumps Brit.
1 turn out better than expected.
2 be greatly successful or helpful.
Etymology: corrupt. of TRIUMPH in the same (now obs.) sense
n. archaic a trumpet-blast.
Phrases and idioms:
the last trump the trumpet-blast to wake the dead on Judgement Day.
Etymology: ME f. OF trompe f. Frank.: prob. imit.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.