
n. (pl. -eys)
1 a large mainly domesticated game-bird, Meleagris gallopavo, orig. of N. America, having dark plumage with a green or bronze sheen, prized as food esp. on festive occasions including Christmas and, in the US, Thanksgiving.
2 the flesh of the turkey as food.
3 US sl. a a theatrical failure; a flop. b a stupid or inept person.
Phrases and idioms:
talk turkey US colloq. talk frankly and straightforwardly; get down to business. turkey buzzard (or vulture) an American vulture, Cathartes aura.
Etymology: 16th c.: short for turkeycock or turkeyhen, orig. applied to the guinea-fowl which was imported through Turkey, and then erron. to the Amer. bird

Useful english dictionary. 2012.