
turn a blind eye
refuse to acknowledge

He turns a blind eye to the injustices in his office

dismiss, ↑disregard, ↑brush aside, ↑brush off, ↑discount, ↑push aside, ↑ignore
Verb Frames:

Somebody ——s


Somebody ——s PP

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: to refuse to see : be oblivious

might turn a blind eye to the use of violence — Arthur Krock

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turn a blind eye
To pretend not to have seen
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Main Entry:blind

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pretend not to notice
said to be in allusion to Nelson, who lifted a telescope to his blind eye at the Battle of Copenhagen (1801), in order to avoid seeing the signal to ‘discontinue the action.’

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turn a blind eye
: to ignore a problem instead of dealing with it

Corruption in the police force is rampant, but authorities are turning a blind eye.

— often + to

Colleges can't afford to turn a blind eye to alcohol abuse.

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Main Entry:blind
turn a blind eye — see blind, 1
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Main Entry:eye

Useful english dictionary. 2012.