
New World tyrant flycatchers most numerous in Central America and South America but also in the United States and Canada
Syn: ↑superfamily Tyrannidae
Hypernyms: ↑bird family
Member Holonyms: ↑Tyranni, ↑suborder Tyranni
Member Meronyms:
New World flycatcher, ↑flycatcher, ↑tyrant flycatcher, ↑tyrant bird, ↑Tyrannus, ↑genus Tyrannus, ↑Contopus, ↑genus Contopus, ↑Sayornis, ↑genus Sayornis, ↑Pyrocephalus, ↑genus Pyrocephalus, ↑Cotingidae, ↑family Cotingidae, ↑Pittidae, ↑family Pittidae, ↑Muscivora, ↑genus Muscivora

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\\tə̇ˈranəˌdē, tīˈr-\ noun plural
Usage: capitalized
Etymology: New Latin, from Tyrannus, type genus + -idae
: a large exclusively American family of birds that are most numerous in So. and Central America but well represented in the United States and Canada, comprise the tyrant flycatchers, are mostly strictly insectivorous and take their prey on the wing, have a flattened bill often hooked at the tip and usually bristly at the gape, and with the pittas, cotingas, and related birds constitute a superfamily of the suborder Tyranni

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Tyrannˈidae plural noun
The tyrant bird family
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Main Entry:tyrant

Useful english dictionary. 2012.