
type genus of family Ulmaceae; deciduous trees having simple serrate leaves; widely distributed in temperate regions
Syn: ↑genus Ulmus
Hypernyms: ↑dicot genus, ↑magnoliopsid genus
Member Holonyms: ↑Ulmaceae, ↑family Ulmaceae, ↑elm family
Member Meronyms:
elm, ↑elm tree, ↑winged elm, ↑wing elm, ↑Ulmus alata, ↑American elm, ↑white elm, ↑water elm, ↑rock elm, ↑Ulmus americana, ↑smooth-leaved elm, ↑European field elm, ↑Ulmus carpinifolia, ↑cedar elm, ↑Ulmus crassifolia, ↑witch elm, ↑wych elm, ↑Ulmus glabra, ↑Dutch elm, ↑Ulmus hollandica, ↑Huntingdon elm, ↑Ulmus hollandica vegetata, ↑Ulmus laevis, ↑Chinese elm, ↑Ulmus parvifolia, ↑English elm, ↑European elm, ↑Ulmus procera, ↑Siberian elm, ↑dwarf elm, ↑Ulmus pumila, ↑slippery elm, ↑red elm, ↑Ulmus rubra, ↑Jersey elm, ↑guernsey elm, ↑wheately elm, ↑Ulmus sarniensis, ↑Ulmus campestris sarniensis, ↑Ulmus campestris wheatleyi, ↑September elm, ↑Ulmus serotina, ↑Ulmus thomasii

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\\ˈəlməs\ noun
Usage: capitalized
Etymology: New Latin, from Latin, elm — more at elm
: a genus of trees (the type of the family Ulmaceae) comprising the elms that are widely distributed in temperate regions and have simple serrate oblique leaves, often drooping branches, and fascicled perfect flowers unfolding before the leaves and succeeded by orbicular samaras

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Ulmus /ulˈməs/
The elm genus, giving name to the family Ulmāˈceae, related to the nettles
ORIGIN: L ulmus elm
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ulmāˈceous adjective
1. Of or like an elm
2. Of its family
ulˈmin noun
A gummy exudation from elms and other trees

Useful english dictionary. 2012.