
plants having flowers in umbels: parsley; carrot; anise; caraway; celery; dill
Syn: ↑family Umbelliferae, ↑Apiaceae, ↑family Apiaceae, ↑carrot family
Hypernyms: ↑rosid dicot family
Hyponyms: ↑genus Angelica, ↑Pastinaca, ↑genus Pastinaca
Member Holonyms: ↑Umbellales, ↑order Umbellales
Member Meronyms:
umbellifer, ↑umbelliferous plant, ↑Aethusa, ↑genus Aethusa, ↑Anethum, ↑genus Anethum, ↑Anthriscus, ↑genus Anthriscus, ↑Apium, ↑genus Apium, ↑genus Astrantia, ↑Carum, ↑genus Carum, ↑Cicuta, ↑genus Cicuta, ↑Conium, ↑genus Conium, ↑Conopodium, ↑genus Conopodium, ↑Cuminum, ↑genus Cuminum, ↑Daucus, ↑genus Daucus, ↑Eryngium, ↑genus Eryngium, ↑Foeniculum, ↑genus Foeniculum, ↑Heracleum, ↑genus Heracleum, ↑Levisticum, ↑genus Levisticum, ↑Myrrhis, ↑genus Myrrhis, ↑Oenanthe, ↑genus Oenanthe, ↑Petroselinum, ↑genus Petroselinum, ↑Pimpinella, ↑genus Pimpinella, ↑Sanicula, ↑genus Sanicula, ↑Seseli, ↑genus Seseli, ↑Sison, ↑genus Sison, ↑Sium, ↑genus Sium, ↑Smyrnium, ↑genus Smyrnium

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\\ˌəmbəˈlifəˌrē\ noun plural
Usage: capitalized
Etymology: New Latin, from feminine plural of umbellifer umbelliferous
: a large and economically important family of often fragrant or aromatic plants (order Umbellales) with alternate mostly compound leaves, small flowers in simple or compound involucrate umbels, and dry 2-carpellary ribbed fruits that split at maturity and are borne from the apex of a common axis — compare anise, caraway, carrot, celery, dill, parsley

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Umbellifˈerae plural noun
The carrot and hemlock family of plants with (usu compound) umbels, schizocarpic fruit, leaves with sheathing bases
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Main Entry:umbel

Useful english dictionary. 2012.