
1. having lost freshness or brilliance of color

sun-bleached deck chairs


faded jeans


a very pale washed-out blue


washy colors

Syn: ↑bleached, ↑faded, ↑washy
Similar to: ↑colorless, ↑colourless
2. drained of energy or effectiveness; extremely tired; completely exhausted

the day's shopping left her exhausted


he went to bed dog-tired


was fagged and sweaty


the trembling of his played out limbs


felt completely washed-out


only worn-out horses and cattle


you look worn out

exhausted, ↑dog-tired, ↑fagged, ↑fatigued, ↑played out, ↑spent, ↑worn-out, ↑worn out
Similar to: ↑tired

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washed-out «WOSHT OWT, WSHT-», adjective.
1. lacking color; faded.
2. Informal, Figurative. lacking life, spirit, or vigor.
3. damaged by flood; eroded.

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adj. faded by or as if by sunlight or repeated washing

washed-out jeans

(of a person) pale and tired

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/ˈwɑːʃtˈaʊt/ adj [more \washed-out; most \washed-out]
1 of a color : not bright : very light or faded

a very pale washed-out blue

The colors look washed-out [=very faded] in these old photographs.

2 : very tired and without energy :exhausted

I felt washed-out after working all night.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.