
wear off
1. deteriorate through use or stress (Freq. 1)

The constant friction wore out the cloth

Syn: ↑wear, ↑wear out, ↑wear down, ↑wear thin
Derivationally related forms: ↑wear (for: ↑wear)
Hypernyms: ↑deteriorate
Hyponyms: ↑ablate, ↑scuff
Verb Frames:

Something ——s


Somebody ——s something


Something ——s something

2. diminish, as by friction

Erosion wore away the surface

Syn: ↑wear away
Hypernyms: ↑remove, ↑take, ↑take away, ↑withdraw
Hyponyms: ↑abrade, ↑corrade, ↑abrase, ↑rub down, ↑rub off
Verb Frames:

Something ——s something

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lose effectiveness or intensity

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wear off [phrasal verb]
: to gradually decrease, disappear, or stop

The painkillers wore off [=stopped having an effect; stopped decreasing or removing pain] after a couple of hours.

The shine on the leather will wear off pretty quickly. [=the leather will no longer be shiny after a short time]

After you drive a new car for a while, the novelty wears off. [=it is no longer exciting or new]

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Main Entry:wear

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ˌwear ˈoff derived
to gradually disappear or stop

The effects of the drug will soon wear off.

The novelty of married life was beginning to wear off.

Main entry:wearderived

Useful english dictionary. 2012.