
western red cedar
large valuable arborvitae of northwestern United States
Syn: ↑red cedar, ↑canoe cedar, ↑Thuja plicata
Hypernyms: ↑arborvitae
Member Holonyms: ↑Thuja, ↑genus Thuja

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a. : rocky mountain juniper
b. : the wood of Rocky Mountain juniper
a. : canoe cedar
b. : the wood of the canoe cedar
3. : western cedar 1

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1. an arborvitae, Thuja plicata, of western North America, grown as an ornamental.
2. the soft, fragrant, reddish wood of this tree, used in the construction of houses, in shipbuilding, for making boxes, etc.
[1900-05, Amer.]

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western red cedar,
an evergreen of the northwestern United States and western Canada, valued for its wood. It is a kind of arbor vitae.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.