
whip snake
any of several small fast-moving snakes with long whiplike tails
Syn: ↑whip-snake, ↑whipsnake
Hypernyms: ↑colubrid snake, ↑colubrid
coachwhip, ↑coachwhip snake, ↑Masticophis flagellum, ↑California whipsnake, ↑striped racer, ↑Masticophis lateralis, ↑Sonoran whipsnake, ↑Masticophis bilineatus
Member Holonyms: ↑Masticophis, ↑genus Masticophis

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: any of various slender snakes: as
a. : a long bright-green harmless tree snake (Philodryas viridissimus) of So. America — called also emerald whip snake
b. : coachwhip snake
c. : a snake of a boigid genus (Dryophis) of Asia having a long leaflike head
d. : any of several small Australian snakes (genera Demansia and Denisonia) that are venomous but not deadly

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whip snake noun
Any of various snakes resembling a whiplash, as Masticophis flagellum (the coachwhip snake) and species of Philodryas, etc
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Main Entry:whip

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whip snake,
any one of various snakes whose long, slender form somewhat resembles a whip.

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n. any of a number of slender, fast-moving snakes that often feed on lizards and catch their prey by pursuing it, in particular:
a) a harmless snake found in Eurasia, America, and Africa (Coluber and other genera, family Colubridae, including the Eurasian C. viridiflavus)
b) a venomous Australian snake (Desmansia and other genera, family Elapidae, including the widespread D. psammophis)

Useful english dictionary. 2012.