
wine palm
1. tall fan palm of Africa and India and Malaysia yielding a hard wood and sweet sap that is a source of palm wine and sugar; leaves used for thatching and weaving
Syn: ↑palmyra, ↑palmyra palm, ↑toddy palm, ↑lontar, ↑longar palm, ↑Borassus flabellifer
Hypernyms: ↑fan palm
Member Holonyms: ↑Borassus, ↑genus Borassus
Substance Meronyms: ↑bassine
2. fishtail palm of India to Malay Peninsula; sap yields a brown sugar (jaggery) and trunk pith yields sago
Syn: ↑jaggery palm, ↑kitul, ↑kittul, ↑kitul tree, ↑toddy palm, ↑Caryota urens
Hypernyms: ↑sago palm

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: any of several palms (as the coquito and the macaw palm) whose sap is used to make palm wine — compare toddy palm

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any of several palms from whose sap wine is made, as the coquito.

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wine palm noun
Any palm yielding palm wine (eg Borassus, Raphia)
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Main Entry:wine

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wine palm,
any one of various palms from whose sap wine is made.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.