
wire grass
1. handsome hardy North American grass with foliage turning pale bronze in autumn
Syn: ↑broom beard grass, ↑prairie grass, ↑Andropogon scoparius, ↑Schizachyrium scoparium
Hypernyms: ↑broom grass
2. coarse annual grass having fingerlike spikes of flowers; native to Old World tropics; a naturalized weed elsewhere
Syn: ↑yardgrass, ↑yard grass, ↑goose grass, ↑Eleusine indica
Hypernyms: ↑millet
Member Holonyms: ↑Eleusine, ↑genus Eleusine

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: any of various grasses having wiry culms or leaves: as
a. : a European slender-stemmed meadow grass (Poa compressa) widely naturalized in the United States and Canada — called also Canada bluegrass
b. : yard grass
c. : bermuda grass
d. : any of several grasses of the genus Aristida
e. : any of several grasses of the genus Sporobolus
f. : nimble will
g. : little bluestem
h. : broomroot

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wire grass noun
1. A kind of fine meadow grass (Poa compressa)
2. Any of various other grasses with wiry stems
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Main Entry:wire

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wire grass,
any one of various grasses having wiry stems or leaves, especially a slender Old-World meadow grass, naturalized in North America, and the yard grass.

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n. a grass with tough wiry stems. Genera Aristida and Poa, family Gramineae: several species, including the European P. compressa, which has become naturalized in North America

Useful english dictionary. 2012.