
wood duck
showy North American duck that nests in hollow trees
Syn: ↑summer duck, ↑wood widgeon, ↑Aix sponsa
Hypernyms: ↑duck
Hyponyms: ↑wood drake
Member Holonyms: ↑Aix, ↑genus Aix

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1. : a showy American duck (Aix sponsa) which nests in hollow trees and the male of which has a large crest and plumage varied with green, purple, black, white, and chestnut — called also summer duck, wood widgeon
2. : hooded merganser
3. : an Australian goose (Chenonetta jubata) having elongated deep brown feathers on the rear part of the neck

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a North American duck, Aix sponsa, that nests in trees, the male of which has a long crest and black, chestnut, green, purple, and white plumage.
[1770-80, Amer.]

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wood duck noun
A N American duck (Aix sponsa) that nests in tree cavities, a popular game bird
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Main Entry:wood

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wood duck,
a North American duck with a large crest, short neck, and long tail, that builds its nest in hollow trees in the woods and frequents ponds and streams. The male is richly colored with green, blue, and purple upper feathers, and red, yellow, and white underparts.

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n. a tree-nesting North American duck, the male of which has brightly colored plumage. Also called Carolina duck. Aix sponsa, family Anatidae

Useful english dictionary. 2012.