
wood tick
common tick that can transmit Rocky Mountain spotted fever and tularemia
Syn: ↑American dog tick, ↑Dermacentor variabilis
Hypernyms: ↑hard tick, ↑ixodid
Member Holonyms: ↑Dermacentor, ↑genus Dermacentor

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: any of several ixodid ticks whose young cling to bushes but fasten on the body of an animal touching them often producing troublesome sores; especially : american dog tick

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wood tick noun
Any tick of the family Ixodidae, the young of which are transferred to man and animals from bushes
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Main Entry:wood

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wood tick,
1. any one of a family of ticks (acarids) found frequently in woods.
2. = deathwatch (def. 3). (Cf.deathwatch)

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n. a North American tick that infests wild and domestic animals, often found clinging to plants and responsible for transmitting spotted fever. Genus Dermacentor, family Ixodidae, in particular D. andersoni

Useful english dictionary. 2012.