
worm snake
1. wormlike burrowing snake of warm regions having vestigial eyes
Syn: ↑blind snake
Hypernyms: ↑snake, ↑serpent, ↑ophidian
Hyponyms: ↑western blind snake, ↑Leptotyphlops humilis
Member Holonyms: ↑Leptotyphlopidae, ↑family Leptotyphlopidae
2. small reddish wormlike snake of eastern United States
Syn: ↑thunder snake, ↑Carphophis amoenus
Hypernyms: ↑colubrid snake, ↑colubrid
Member Holonyms: ↑Carphophis, ↑genus Carphophis

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: any of various small harmless burrowing snakes of wormlike appearance: as
a. : thunder snake 2
b. : blind snake

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1. any of several small, wormlike snakes, esp. Carphophis amoenus, of the eastern and central U.S.
2. See blind snake.
[1880-85, Amer.]

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worm snake,
a small, harmless snake of the eastern United States that is commonly found under bark, logs, and stones and feeds mainly on earthworms.

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1) a small harmless North American snake that resembles an earthworm. Carphophis amoena, family Colubridae
2) another term for blind snake

Useful english dictionary. 2012.