
1. lacking hue or shades of grey; part white and part black

a black-and-white cow


black-and-white blooms


black-and-white stripes

Pertains to noun: ↑achromaticity
2. not having or not capable of producing colors

black-and-white film


a black-and-white TV


the movie was in black and white

Syn: ↑black and white
Ant: ↑color
Topics: ↑photography, ↑picture taking
3. of a situation that is sharply divided into mutually exclusive categories

he rejected a black-and-white world


there are no black-and-white certainties


there were no grey areas, you were either for him or against him, he was all black-and-white

Similar to: ↑divided

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black and white,
1. writing or print: »

I asked him to put his promise down in black and white.

2. a picture or sketch using only black and white.
black-and-white «BLAK uhn hwyt», adjective.
1. being, done, or appearing in black and white: »

a black-and-white picture.

2. a) divided into opposed, unmixed extremes as good and evil, truth and falsity. b) evaluating in terms of such extremes: »

black-and-white answers to complex problems (Atlantic).

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/ˌblækənˈwaıt/ adj
1 : partly black and partly white in color

a black-and-white dog

2 : having, showing, or producing pictures that do not have colors except for black, white, and shades of gray

She loves to watch old black-and-white movies.

black-and-white wedding photos

a black-and-white television set

Did you put color or black-and-white film in the camera?

3 : involving a simple choice between things that are clearly opposite and especially between good and bad or right and wrong

You are oversimplifying things if you only look at the situation in black-and-white terms.

The truth is not always black-and-white.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.