
bladderwort family
carnivorous aquatic or bog plants: genera Utricularia, Pinguicula, and Genlisea
Syn: ↑Lentibulariaceae, ↑family Lentibulariaceae
Hypernyms: ↑plant family
Member Holonyms: ↑Polemoniales, ↑order Polemoniales
Member Meronyms: ↑Utricularia, ↑genus Utricularia, ↑Pinguicula, ↑genus Pinguicula, ↑genus Genlisea

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: lentibulariaceae

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bladderwort family,
a widely distributed group of dicotyledonous herbs which grow in water or wet places and have small bladders or other structures with which they catch insects. The family includes the bladderwort and butterwort.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.