
beyond compare
WITHOUT EQUAL, second to none, in a class of one's own; peerless, matchless, unmatched, incomparable, inimitable, supreme, outstanding, consummate, unique, singular, perfect.

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beyond/without/compare mainly literary phrase
used for emphasizing the very good qualities of a person or thing

Her beauty was beyond compare.

Thesaurus: ways of emphasizing how good something issynonym
Main entry: compare

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beyond (or without) compare
of a quality or nature surpassing all others of the same kind

a diamond beyond compare

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beyond compare (also without compare)
: better or greater than any other : having no equal

The singer's voice is beyond compare.

beauty beyond compare

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Main Entry:compare

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beyond/without comˈpare idiom
(literary) better than anything else of the same kind

a diamond beyond compare

Our professional service promises you a wedding without compare.

Main entry:compareidiom

Useful english dictionary. 2012.