
on one's own
1 I am all on my own: (ALL) ALONE, (all) by oneself, solitary, unaccompanied, companionless; informal by one's lonesome; Brit. informal on one's tod, on one's Jack Jones.
2 she works well on her own: UNAIDED, unassisted, without help, without assistance, (all) by oneself, independently.

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: on one's own resources or initiative : for or by oneself

every ship was on its own — H.A.Chippendale

gave the order … on his own — H.L.Ismay

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on one's own
1. On one's own account
2. On one's own initiative
3. By one's own efforts or resources
4. Independently
5. Set up in independence
6. Alone, by oneself
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Main Entry:own

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unaccompanied by others; alone or unaided

I have to do things on my own

Useful english dictionary. 2012.