
act of terrorism
the calculated use of violence (or the threat of violence) against civilians in order to attain goals that are political or religious or ideological in nature; this is done through intimidation or coercion or instilling fear
Syn: ↑terrorism, ↑terrorist act
Derivationally related forms: ↑terrorist (for: ↑terrorism)
Members of this Topic:
bioterrorism, ↑biological terrorism, ↑chemical terrorism, ↑cyber-terrorism, ↑cyberwar, ↑domestic terrorism, ↑ecoterrorism, ↑ecological terrorism, ↑eco-warfare, ↑ecological warfare, ↑international terrorism, ↑narcoterrorism, ↑nuclear terrorism, ↑state-sponsored terrorism, ↑theoterrorism, ↑terrorization, ↑terrorisation, ↑bombing, ↑dirty war, ↑counterintelligence, ↑ring containment, ↑frightening, ↑stash house, ↑USS Cole, ↑World Trade Center, ↑WTC, ↑twin towers, ↑counterterrorism, ↑biometric identification, ↑biometric authentication, ↑identity verification, ↑face recognition, ↑facial recognition, ↑automatic face recognition, ↑facial profiling, ↑Abu Hafs al-Masri Brigades, ↑Abu Sayyaf, ↑Bearer of the Sword, ↑Aksa Martyrs Brigades, ↑al-Aksa Martyrs Brigades, ↑Martyrs of al-Aqsa, ↑Alex Boncayao Brigade, ↑ABB, ↑Revolutionary Proletarian Army, ↑RPA-ABB, ↑al-Fatah, ↑Fatah, ↑al-Asifa, ↑al-Gama'a al-Islamiyya, ↑Islamic Group, ↑al Itihaad al Islamiya, ↑al-Itihaad al-Islamiya, ↑Islamic Unity, ↑AIAI, ↑al-Jihad, ↑Egyptian Islamic Jihad, ↑Islamic Jihad, ↑Vanguards of Conquest, ↑al-Ma'unah, ↑al-Muhajiroun, ↑Al Nathir, ↑al-Qaeda, ↑Qaeda, ↑al-Qa'ida, ↑al-Qaida, ↑Base, ↑al-Rashid Trust, ↑al Sunna Wal Jamma, ↑Followers of the Phrophet, ↑al-Tawhid, ↑Al Tawhid, ↑Divine Unity, ↑al-Ummah, ↑Ansar al Islam, ↑Ansar al-Islam, ↑Supporters of Islam, ↑Armata Corsa, ↑Corsican Army, ↑Armed Islamic Group, ↑GIA, ↑Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia, ↑ASALA, ↑Orly Group, ↑3rd October Organization, ↑Army for the Liberation of Rwanda, ↑ALIR, ↑Former Armed Forces, ↑FAR, ↑Interahamwe, ↑Asbat al-Ansar, ↑Band of Partisans, ↑Aum Shinrikyo, ↑Aum, ↑Supreme Truth, ↑Baader Meinhof Gang, ↑Baader-Meinhof Gang, ↑Basque Homeland and Freedom, ↑Basque Fatherland and Liberty, ↑Euskadi ta Askatasuna, ↑ETA, ↑Black September Movement, ↑Chukaku-Ha, ↑Continuity Irish Republican Army, ↑CIRA, ↑Continuity Army Council, ↑Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, ↑DFLP, ↑Popular Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, ↑PDFLP, ↑East Turkistan Islamic Movement, ↑East Turkestan Islamic Movement, ↑Fatah Revolutionary Council, ↑Fatah-RC, ↑Abu Nidal Organization, ↑ANO, ↑Arab Revolutionary Brigades, ↑Black September, ↑Revolutionary Organization of Socialist Muslims, ↑Fatah Tanzim, ↑Tanzim, ↑First of October Antifascist Resistance Group, ↑GRAPO, ↑Force 17, ↑Forces of Umar Al-Mukhtar, ↑Umar al-Mukhtar Forces, ↑Hamas, ↑Islamic Resistance Movement, ↑Harkat-ul-Jihad-e-Islami, ↑Harakat ul-Jihad-I-Islami, ↑HUJI, ↑Harkat-ul-Mujahidin, ↑HUM, ↑Harkat ul-Ansar, ↑HUA, ↑Harkat ul-Mujahedeen, ↑Al Faran, ↑Movement of Holy Warriors, ↑Hizballah, ↑Hezbollah, ↑Hizbollah, ↑Hizbullah, ↑Lebanese Hizballah, ↑Party of God, ↑Islamic Jihad for the Liberation of Palestine, ↑Revolutionary Justice Organization, ↑Organization of the Oppressed on Earth, ↑Hizb ut-Tahrir, ↑Freedom Party, ↑International Islamic Front for Jihad against Jews and Crusaders, ↑Irish National Liberation Army, ↑INLA, ↑People's Liberation Army, ↑People's Republican Army, ↑Catholic Reaction Force, ↑Irish Republican Army, ↑IRA, ↑Provisional Irish Republican Army, ↑Provisional IRA, ↑Provos, ↑Islamic Army of Aden, ↑IAA, ↑Islamic Army of Aden-Abyan, ↑Aden-Abyan Islamic Army, ↑Islamic Great Eastern Raiders-Front, ↑IBDA-C, ↑Islamic Group of Uzbekistan, ↑IMU, ↑Islamic Party of Turkestan, ↑Jaish-i-Mohammed, ↑Jaish-e-Muhammad, ↑JEM, ↑Army of Muhammad, ↑Jamaat ul-Fuqra, ↑Fuqra, ↑Tanzimul Fuqra, ↑Japanese Red Army, ↑JRA, ↑Anti-Imperialist International Brigade, ↑Jayshullah, ↑Jemaah Islamiyah, ↑JI, ↑Islamic Community, ↑Malaysian Mujahidin Group, ↑Malaysia Militant Group, ↑Jerusalem Warriors, ↑Jund-ul-Islam, ↑Soldiers of God, ↑Kahane Chai, ↑Kach, ↑Kaplan Group, ↑Association of Islamic Groups and Communities, ↑Caliphate State, ↑Khmer Rouge, ↑KR, ↑Party of Democratic Kampuchea, ↑Communist Party of Kampuchea, ↑Ku Klux Klan, ↑Klan, ↑KKK, ↑klavern, ↑Kurdistan Workers Party, ↑Kurdistan Labor Pary, ↑Partiya Karkeran Kurdistan, ↑PPK, ↑Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, ↑Lashkar-e-Omar, ↑Al Qanoon, ↑Lashkar-e-Taiba, ↑Lashkar-e-Toiba, ↑Lashkar-e-Tayyiba, ↑LET, ↑Army of the Pure, ↑Army of the Righteous, ↑Laskar Jihad, ↑Holy War Warriors, ↑Lautaro Youth Movement, ↑Lautaro Faction of the United Popular Action Movement, ↑Lautaro Popular Rebel Forces, ↑Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, ↑LTTE, ↑Tamil Tigers, ↑Tigers, ↑World Tamil Association, ↑World Tamil Movement, ↑Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, ↑FIG, ↑Al-Jama'a al-Islamiyyah al-Muqatilah bi-Libya, ↑Libyan Fighting Group, ↑Libyan Islamic Group, ↑Lord's Resistance Army, ↑Loyalist Volunteer Force, ↑Maktab al-Khidmat, ↑MAK, ↑Manuel Rodriquez Patriotic Front, ↑Moranzanist Patriotic Front, ↑Moro Islamic Liberation Front, ↑Mujahedeen Kompak, ↑Mujahidin-e Khalq Organization, ↑MKO, ↑MEK, ↑People's Mujahidin of Iran, ↑National Liberation Army, ↑ELN, ↑Nestor Paz Zamora Commission, ↑CNPZ, ↑National Liberation Front of Corsica, ↑FLNC, ↑New People's Army, ↑NPA, ↑Orange Group, ↑OV, ↑Palestine Islamic Jihad, ↑Palestinian Islamic Jihad, ↑PIJ, ↑Harakat al-Jihad al-Islami al-Filastini, ↑Palestine Liberation Front, ↑PLF, ↑Jabat al-Tahrir al-Filistiniyyah, ↑Palestinian Hizballah, ↑Pentagon Gang, ↑Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, ↑PFLP, ↑Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command, ↑PFLP-GC, ↑Popular Struggle Front, ↑PSF, ↑15 May Organization, ↑People against Gangsterism and Drugs, ↑PAGAD, ↑Puka Inti, ↑Sol Rojo, ↑Red Sun, ↑Qassam Brigades, ↑Salah al-Din Battalions, ↑Iz Al-Din Al-Qassam Battalions, ↑Qibla, ↑Real IRA, ↑Real Irish Republican Army, ↑RIRA, ↑Dissident Irish Republican Army, ↑Red Army Faction, ↑RAF, ↑Red Brigades, ↑Brigate Rosse, ↑BR, ↑Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, ↑Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarios de Colombia, ↑FARC, ↑Revolutionary Organization 17 November, ↑17 November, ↑Revolutionary People's Liberation Party, ↑Revolutionary People's Liberation Front, ↑Revolutionary People's Struggle, ↑ELA, ↑Revolutionary Proletarian Nucleus, ↑Revolutionary Proletarian Initiative Nuclei, ↑NIPR, ↑Revolutionary United Front, ↑RUF, ↑Salafist Group, ↑Salafast Group for Call and Combat, ↑GSPC, ↑Shining Path, ↑Sendero Luminoso, ↑SL, ↑Sipah-e-Sahaba, ↑Tareekh e Kasas, ↑Movement for Revenge, ↑Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement, ↑Movimiento Revolucionario Tupac Anaru, ↑MRTA, ↑Tupac Katari Guerrilla Army, ↑EGTK, ↑Turkish Hizballah, ↑Ulster Defence Association, ↑UDA, ↑United Self-Defense Force of Colombia, ↑United Self-Defense Group of Colombia, ↑Autodefensas Unidas de Colombia, ↑AUC, ↑Umma Tameer-e-Nau, ↑UTN, ↑Counterterrorist Center, ↑CTC, ↑mujahidin, ↑mujahedin, ↑mujahedeen, ↑mujahadeen, ↑mujahadin, ↑mujahideen, ↑mujahadein, ↑Gestapo, ↑nest, ↑Mafia, ↑Maffia, ↑Sicilian Mafia, ↑Black Hand, ↑terrorist cell, ↑radical cell, ↑terrorist organization, ↑terrorist group, ↑foreign terrorist organization, ↑FTO, ↑hawala, ↑Dhahran, ↑air marshal, ↑sky marshal, ↑hacker, ↑cyber-terrorist, ↑cyberpunk, ↑sleeper, ↑suicide bomber, ↑terrorist, ↑Jaffar, ↑Jafar, ↑Jaffar Umar Thalib, ↑Jafar Umar Thalib, ↑Sanchez, ↑Ilich Sanchez, ↑Ilich Ramirez Sanchez, ↑Carlos, ↑Carlos the Jackal, ↑Salim, ↑Andres Martinez, ↑Taurus, ↑Glen Gebhard, ↑Hector Hevodidbon, ↑Michael Assat, ↑reign of terror, ↑9/11, ↑9-11, ↑September 11, ↑Sept. 11, ↑Sep 11
Hypernyms: ↑terror
bioterrorism, ↑biological terrorism, ↑chemical terrorism, ↑cyber-terrorism, ↑cyberwar, ↑domestic terrorism, ↑ecoterrorism, ↑ecological terrorism, ↑eco-warfare, ↑ecological warfare, ↑international terrorism, ↑narcoterrorism, ↑nuclear terrorism, ↑state-sponsored terrorism, ↑theoterrorism, ↑terrorist attack
Instance Hyponyms: ↑Red Hand Defenders, ↑RHD

Useful english dictionary. 2012.